Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner


Capture fine details with high accuracy and precision with Artec Space Spider 3D scanner. Unrivalled in it’s scanning quality, it is proven to scan quickly and efficiently, while maintaining incredibly high resolution.

Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner

A new and enhanced precision instrument for CAD users and engineers, Artec Space Spider is a high-resolution 3D scanner based on blue light technology. It is perfect for capturing small objects or intricate details of large industrial objects in high resolution, with steadfast accuracy and brilliant color.

The scanner’s ability to render complex geometry, sharp edges and thin ribs sets our technology apart. It is an ideal industrial 3D scanner for high resolution capturing of objects such as molding parts, PCBs, keys, coins or even a human ear, followed by the export of the final 3D model to CAD software.

In this powerful 3D scanner, the technology has been honed to perfection to ensure the best possible quality of scans and a truly robust device.

The Artec Space Spider is an industrial 3D scanner designed for scanning small objects with high accuracy. This makes it useful for product design, quality control and reverse engineering applications. The temperature stabilisation and industrial grade electronics provide long term repeatability. It is fully portable and lightweight, with USB connectivity making it compatible with tablets and laptops, and an optional battery pack for full mobility.

Capturing 1 million data points a second the Artec Space Spider is capable of scanning small objects with high detail quickly.

Enhanced Accuracy System
Scan points up to 100 microns apart with an accuracy of up to 50 microns to capture intricate details and fine features.

With only two cables and weighing only 850g, the Space Spider is lightweight and can be moved around freely. The optional battery pack offers full portability.

Strength in Versatility
Due to it’s small size and compact design, the Space Spider can be used for all different kinds of objects, specialising in those on the smaller side.

Access 3D data from anywhere with Artec Cloud
Work with 3D data on your browser
View, collaborate, and process on the go
Stay connected when working remotely